
2015 marks the 75th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain. Through iconic images such as Guy Hamilton’s 1969 film "The Battle of Britain", the Battle maintains a specific place in British colective memory. Furthermore, the Battle of Britain is one of the most celebrated events in the history of the Royal Air Force due to the role of Fighter Command in defending the nation against the threat of invasion in 1940. Recently, however, historians have begun to question some of the myths that surround this important event in British history.

Annual conference of the Arbeitskreis für Historische Friedens- und Konfliktforschung in co-operation with the Norwegian Air Force Academy and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Over the last few years, a number of military conflicts have erupted or re-emerged all over the world. Older types of wars between national states have largely been replaced by civil wars, terrorist or guerrilla wars, and military and "humanist" interventions by third-state actors. What has remained a constant, though, is that all participants in the conflicts evoke an ideal of the good soldier that is intended to legitimise participation in the conflict and to secure the allegiance of the fighters.

Tagung 2015 des Memminger Forums für Schwäbische Regionalgeschichte e. V.

Das seit 1986 bestehende "Memminger Forum für Schwäbische Regionalgeschichte e. V." beschäftigt sich in wissenschaftlichen Tagungen in zweijährigem Turnus und der inzwischen auf elf Bände angewachsenen Publikationsreihe "Forum Suevicum" (UVK-Verlag, Konstanz) mit der schwäbischen Regionalgeschichte unter vergleichender Perspektive.

This workshop brings together an international group of historians to discuss their research on a topic that has heretofore received relatively little attention: Habsburg home fronts during the First World War.These historians, who range from advanced graduate students to full professors, will be joined by a number of senior specialists to discuss their presentations and place them in comparative context.

Scotland's contribution to the First World War is featured at a conference in Dundee organised by the Western Front Association.

The conference is organised by Paris-Sorbonne in association with the Musée de l’Armée and the Charles de Gaulle Foundation.

Conference Convenors: Antoine Capet (University of Rouen) and Claire Charlot (Paris-Sorbonne University).

An entry fee of € 20 will be asked of participants.

Registration is a pre-requirement as there is limited room in the lecture halls. Please register with Claire Charlot (claire.charlot@paris-sorbonne.fr).

Mehrere internationale Konferenzen in den letzten zwei Jahren machen deutlich, dass die Desiderate in der Geschichte der Waffen-SS - insbesondere in Bezug auf den Krieg im Osten - mitnichten alle erforscht sind. Im Gegenteil: 70 Jahre nach Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges steht angesichts immer neuer Konflikte in Ost- und Südosteuropa eine Dringlichkeit im Raum, die Erforschung der Waffen- SS gerade in diesen Regionen voranzutreiben.

Die Beziehungen zwischen Militär und Wissen spielten bis jetzt in der historischen Forschung nur eine untergeordnete Rolle.

In 2015, Rotterdam remembers the 75th anniversary of the bombing of its city center. The Nazi bombing of Rotterdam on May 14th 1940 forced the Dutch to surrender, after which five years of occupation began.

Die Städte Mittel- und Ostmitteleuropas waren während der Kriege des 20. Jahrhunderts multifunktionale Orte, an denen entscheidende Konflikte politischer, sozialer und nicht zuletzt auch ethnischer Natur ausgetragen wurden.
