Call for Papers

83rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Military History

"Geography as history" is one of the Canadian War Museum’s overarching themes, reflected throughout its permanent galleries in discussions of topography and its influence on battle, and the gradual conquest of distance by technology, population movement, and communications. Wars are now fought on and over the surface of the earth; on and under its adjacent oceans; in space; in the electromagnetic spectrum; and across the Internet. Traditional boundaries are regularly transgressed, imperfectly administered, and unevenly acknowledged.

Der Bezirk Schwaben errichtete im Jahr 1849 im ehemaligen Kloster Irsee eine psychiatrische Heil- und Pflegeanstalt, die später erweitert wurde und deren Patientenakten erhalten sind. Aus der Zeit des Ersten Weltkriegs sind über 100 psychisch kranke Soldaten nachgewiesen.

The prohibition of drawing, referring to topographies or architecture, has rarely been a topic of art history or visual studies, although it can be accounted for in Europe since the 16th century. But such interdictions prove the power that was ascribed to on site-drawings. They were decreed to impede military espionage, in reaction to the practice of producing, collecting and storing not only maps, but also images of the landscapes, cities, fortifications, and harbours of potential enemies, in order to be used in case of a military conflict.

Annual conference of the Arbeitskreis für Historische Friedens- und Konfliktforschung in co-operation with the Norwegian Air Force Academy and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Over the last few years, a number of military conflicts have erupted or re-emerged all over the world. Older types of wars between national states have largely been replaced by civil wars, terrorist or guerrilla wars, and military and "humanist" interventions by third-state actors. What has remained a constant, though, is that all participants in the conflicts evoke an ideal of the good soldier that is intended to legitimise participation in the conflict and to secure the allegiance of the fighters.

Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Militärgeschichte e. V. in Zusammenarbeit mit der Professur Europa im Mittelalter und in der Frühen Neuzeit an der Technischen Universität Chemnitz
Kartenausschnitt aus dem Spiel "Panzer General" (SSI, 1994)

Computerspiele sind ein gesamtgesellschaftliches Phänomen. Thematische Zuordnungen von Spielinhalten sind schwierig, aber klar ist, dass Strategiespiele den Löwenanteil aller Spiele ausmachen, und dass historische Settings einen wichtigen Anteil bilden. Gewaltsame Konfliktlösung spielt darin eine wichtige Rolle; häufig ist sie ein entscheidender Spielinhalt. Spiele wachsen zu einem gesellschaftlich relevanten Medium von Geschichtsinformation und Geschichtsverständnis auf. Zu untersuchen, welche Bilder von Gewalt und Krieg in Spielen vermittelt werden, ist daher eine wichtige Aufgabe einer modernen Militärgeschichte.

2015 is enriched by commemorations of numerous important historical events. This conference focuses on a more recent date, which decisively determined the world's political and social constitution since: the end of the Second World War in 1945.

What does it mean to write a history of World War II in the age of globalization? Can one bring histories and memories associated with the war in continental Europe together with the experiences in East Asia or North Africa? Meeting the challenge of composing such an encompassing history of World War II, the conference brings two essentially important aspects into focus: first, topographically to interrelate the two theaters of war - the European continental and the Asian-Pacific domain.

2014 marked the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War - a catastrophe that casts a shadow over us until the present day. The aim of the 2015 military history conference of the Estonian War Museum (General Laidoner Museum) is to study the fundamentally changed security situation in Europe, which formed as a result of the war, the kind of which had never been seen before.

The organizers are looking forward to papers about the following topics:

1.   Post-war conflicts: civil wars, freedom wars and paramilitary violence

The University of Leeds is planning a major international conference to consider and debate the various forms and expressions of resistance to the First World War within and across national contexts. It will coincide with the introduction of conscription in Britain, but will explore national, international and transnational aspects of resistance to the First World War.

There will be panels on:

-  the cultural representations of pacifism and the mobilization of art and literature to oppose the war

In June 2015 the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo will be marked by a series of major commemorative events in Belgium and across Europe. At the end of this eventful month the Centre for Eighteenth Century Studies at the University of York in co-operation with the National Army Museum will host a major international and interdisciplinary conference Waterloo: Representation and Memory, 1815-2015.
