War and Geography

Freitag, 1. Mai 2015
New York City
Sonntag, 30. November 2014

War is always related to many different aspects, e.g. religion, technology, etc. However, one of the aspects of central importance for the history of warfare is geography. It is not only integral to the planning of tactics and strategies, but plays an important role in the outcome of war and its long-term aftermath. Furthermore, the interplay between war and geography is not purely a modern phenomenon but can be traced back through the ages of history. Geography always had the potential of providing an advantage or disadvantage etc.

The aim of the conference is to assemble researchers from all disciplines of the humanities, who are working on topics that are dealing with this special interrelationship from antiquity to the 21st century. Therefore we not only invite scholars who could talk about theoretical approaches of geographically determined warfare, but also those who are working on specific regional, national or international topics, that are related to the influence of geography on warfare. The purpose is to provide a forum for a fruitful, interdisciplinary discussion, which will open new perspectives on military history in general and the history of warfare in particular.

A list of possible, but not exclusive, topics could include:

-  War memory and geography

-  Regional problems of geography and warfare

-  War strategies and geography

-  Geographic advantages and disadvantages in specific battles

-  Geography as the cause for warfare

-  Natural resources and warfare

-  Geography as a consequence of warfare

Conferenvce Venue: City University of New York, Graduate Center, 365 5th Ave, New York City, NY 10016, USA

Selected conference papers are going to be published as an edited volume and in general all proposals will be considered for later publication as well.

Please send a short proposal (max. 500 words) and a short biographical note to SDanielsson@qcc.cuny.edu and FJacob@qcc.cuny.edu



Frank Jacob


History Department

222-05 56th Ave

Bayside, NY 11364
