Naval and Maritime Power in Two World Wars - Contemporary Relevance and Historical Importance

Freitag, 11. April 2014 bis Samstag, 12. April 2014

On the centenary of the First World War this conference seeks to promote an international and interdisciplinary dialogue among naval and maritime historians. Drawing upon the latest scholarship the conference aims to highlight a wide array of topics such as naval and maritime communications, logistics, international relations, regional studies, economic issues, the role of ports and internal transport, morale and grand strategy.

Organisers:  This international conference is being organised collaboratively with the Global War Studies and is hosted by the Greenwich Maritime Institute.

Conference Venue:  University of Greenwich, Old Royal Naval College, Greenwich, London, UK


Conference Fees:

Delegate Fee      £ 140.00

Presenter Fee     £ 120.00

Student Fee        £ 120.00

GMI Alumni Fee  £ 120.00

Daily Rate           £ 100.00 (please specify which day when registering)

Conference fees include a conference pack, refreshments, lunches and an evening drinks reception.

To book a place at the conference please visit our Event Brite booking site:



For any queries about this conference please contact the GMI Office on +44 (0)20 8331 7688 or email